Support Us
In order to keep offering our life-changing services for free, we are asking that you consider making a donation to BeCareLink.
BeCareLink has been providing free access to over 18,000 patients with neurologic conditions for over 7 years. We have helped patients with diagnosed neurologic disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Parkinson’s Disease navigate their disease journey and empower them to become navigators of their own care. We have also helped people without known diagnoses who are concerned they are developing a neurologic disorder, either because they are noticing something isn’t quite right or because they have a family member from who they are afraid they have inherited a neurolgic problem.
To show you are a proud supporter of BeCareLink, for donations
$20 you will receive a BECARE PEN
$50 you will receive a BECARE MUG
Over $100 you will receive a BECARE T-SHIRT