Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that develops slowly over years and which symptoms are most bothersome differs in different people. It is caused by a loss of dopamine-containing cells, specifically in an area of the brain called the substantia nigra.
Here are ten symptoms that may be early signs of Parkinson’s disease:
1.Tremor- mostly at rest in one or both of your hands (as opposed to when you are using your hand). Not all tremor is from Parkinson’s disease.
2.Small Handwriting (micrographia). There are other causes of handwriting changes, such as arthritis or poor vision.
3.Constipation. There are many other potential causes that should be considered first, such as a GI problem or lack of water or fiber in the diet.
4.Loss of Smell There are other causes such as allergies, a cold or head trauma.
5.Trouble Sleeping (Insomnia). Patients with PD often thrash around in bed or have sudden movements. It is normal to have quick jerks of the body while falling asleep.
6.Dizziness or Fainting Dizziness when standing up may be a sign of low blood pressure and this is common in PD.
7.Stooping or Hunching Over There are other causes such as an injury or bone disorders.
8.Trouble Moving or Walking Stiffness in your arms or legs or complaints by others that one or both of your arms don’t swing as much. Sometimes your feet seem stuck to the floor. Injuries or arthritis can cause similar symptoms.
9.Masked Face Others may tell you that your face doesn’t show emotions or that your face looks more serious.
10.A Soft or Low Voice (hypophonia) Others may complain that you are not talking loud enough or you may be accusing others of losing their hearing. If it is due to infection, your voice should return to normal after your cold resolves.
It is possible to have a great quality of life with PD but the earlier you make the diagnosis, the better you will do over the years. Generally, it is time to see your doctor if you have more than one of these complaints. Certain ones raise more suspicion of the diagnosis of PD, such as tremor, stooped posture and change in gait. BeCare Neuro Link can assess you for many of the symptoms associated with PD, including tremor, arm swing changes, changed in your walk and cognitive problems. If you are worried, use the BeCare Neuro Link App to help you decide when to go for help.