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Vaccines against Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and Multisystem Atrophy (MSA) belong to a group of neurodegenerative disorders caused by abnormalities in the protein called synuclein. The changes associated with PD are due to neuron drop-out in a part of the brain called the Substantia Nigra while MSA affects more areas of the brain.  Both cause slowed movements, tremors, and walking abnormalities while MSA also affects breathing, breathing, digestion, heart rate, movement, and blood pressure.

Synuclein protein is overexpressed in PD and MSA and is found in clumps in the brains of these patients at autopsy. The vaccine being tested (UB-13) stimulates the production of antibodies against synuclein in the blood and spinal fluid. These vaccines are a form of immunotherapy.  

In mouse models, the vaccine prevented motor dysfunction and reduced the accumulation of synuclein in the brain and stomach. In a recent small trial on 20 PD patients, the vaccine was shown to induce production of these anti-alpha-synuclein antibodies and a decrease in the levels of alpha-synuclein. Clinical improvement in humans is still being measured in this study. The vaccine thus far has been safe and well-tolerated.


The BeCare Neuro App can help screen for PD and MSA as well as monitor for response to treatment or for progression.  The app can help you to determine if you need to  seek further neurologic assessment and empower you to become a driver of your healthcare journey.

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