
Eating Meat May Cause Dementia

The past few decades have produced a series of what-to-eat and what-to-avoid diets for weight loss, inflammatory conditions, and other purposes.  Shocking to many, however, is a recent Harvard study of how much meat over 130,000 people consumed over four decades affects the risk of developing dementia. They separated meat consumption into processed and unprocessed

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GLP-1 inhibitors as a treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease

GLP-1 inhibitors, like Ozempic, are touted as the panacea to cure all ailments. Large sections of the population are using them for diabetic control and weight loss.  Studies have clearly shown a reduction in cardiovascular risks. Newer studies suggest that they may also be beneficial in neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Parkinson’s

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Will MS shorten my life?

The good news is that MS does not cause death.  However, the bad news is that because of the other health problems and risks associated with MS, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society found that patients with MS live on average 6 or 7 years less than the general population. But that is only a statistic

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Am I having an MS flare?

People with MS can have relapsing MS in which there are periods with new or worsened symptoms or progressive MS in which there is a gradual decline in neurologic function without periods of improvement along the way.  It can be challenging to determine if what you are experiencing is a new flare or just worsened

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Sleep Disturbances and MS

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of MS.  Some of the fatigue is due to the abnormal nerve functioning related to the autoimmune attacks in the brain and spinal cord.  However, some of the fatigue is related to sleep disturbances, which only makes the MS-related fatigue worse.   Sometimes the difficulty is falling

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One Less Headache for Migraineurs: Parkinson’s Disease

Migraines are a real neurologic disorder, causing changes in chemicals and blood flow in the brain. They can be incredibly debilitating, affecting productivity and even causing temporary neurologic symptoms like motor weakness, vision changes, confusion, difficulty speaking, and even unstable walking. If they occur frequently, they can cause changes in MRI appearance.   One thing

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